Remote Trainings
Factory One offers lean manufacturing capability building programs, conducted by the lean experts, to power your business. Our offerings can be tailored for specific industries and companies to suit your needs.
We have built capabilities to deliver most of Factory One programs remotely for participants that are not able to travel to the model factory.
Remote training 001: Relaunching your operations during crisis
This remote training offers a variety of techniques and processes that can be used in rebuilding capacity and overcoming the obstacles presented by crisis situations like Covid-19. Examples include re-layout of processes, behavioral safety best practices and remote maintenance.
Learning Objectives
- Prepare how to ramp-up operations post-crisis
- Learn how to design and introduce measures for ensuring health and safety of employees
- Learn the best practices and tools in inventory, supply chain and maintenance management for ensuring continuity of operations
Remote training 002: Optimizing operations using core elements and tools of lean manufacturing
This remote training gives an overview of the lean manufacturing concepts that are key to optimizing operations presented by crisis situations like Covid-19. Participating companies can learn how to integrate principles of lean manufacturing by accounting for physical distancing and remote working.
Learning Objectives
- Get familiar with the core modules of lean manufacturing through a model factory experience
- Get ready to transform the operations in line with the lean principles while physical distancing and remote working
To learn more about this program and speak to our team